Last weekend I went to Boardmasters with three of my pals and it was just the best weekend ever. We got up to so much mischief and I laughed so much I lost my voice (no, really). I'm not gunna write some cliche 'what I did on my holiday' entry. I'm just going to say I had an amazing time, chilling and going mental at the same time. Has topped off this beaut of a Summer.
I really don't know why it's been so good, I've been working loads and I've still got no money 'cause of rent but I just feel so free and happy and simple.
Not as in window licker simple, as in just life is simple.
I've been with the friends that mean the world to me, who have no interest in drama or aggro. I've been on the beach loads had a few surfs, had a few drinks, had more than a few laughs.
I love only having to think about me and my close few. I love having the freedom to just go away for a day and not tell anyone where I am. I love being able to swim in the sea everyday. I love the simple things in life.
I've put on a shed load of weight since my gym membership ran out a few weeks ago but I don't care, I feel good.
My morning job is chamber-maiding, which in short means cleaning peoples shit stains off toilets and hand picking pubes from the shower cubicle floors. As you can imagine it's not ideal on any given day but with a hangover it is as close to Satan that I've ever been. WHY DO PEOPLE POO ON THE SEAT? Is it something people enjoy doing on holiday? Is there some breed of human who deem it as fun?? If there is, bring back the hollocaust.
No offence to Jews. I'm pretty sure they didn't deserve it the first time round.
In September I get to move into a house with my three best friends in uni. Our house is beyond small. We don't have a lounge/dining room, instead we have what would have been a tiny single room upstairs, about as far away from the kitchen as you could get. But I couldn't care less. We are paying cheap rates for south coast rent and we get to cosy up together in our own little girl world.
We are all but one single and I predict sexy men on the fridge within the first week of arriving. PENIS.
I've got work this evening and I feel like I belong in a wheelchair. My legs are fucked my back is fucked, my face has seen better days and my voice is nearly gone. Ah well Steamdog Millionaire (drunk) on Wednesday. Yeeewwwww.
My home bestie Biki has booked a one way flight to Asia and is heading back out into the world of magic mushrooms, riots and holes in the ground for toilets in January. I shouldn't be bothered really because I'm back in Bournemouth by September but I just don't want her to be so far away. She's been like my left boob this year: always there jiggling abound getting in the way. (please note: right boob does the same).
She's made me laugh so much and we never fall out, with us it seems to be so easy. Whether we're sat in silence drinking tea, crying with laughter on a walk or flailing about the streets of Pembrokeshire with a few too many shandies in us. (Biki actually drinks shandies because she is a LEGEND...?) we always seem to be having a sweet time.
Anyway best be off. No carbs start tomorrow otherwise I'm not getting a smooch all Summer. Which is apparently illegal in 20 year old female world. Although I've not exactly had my lips worn out so far this season. Enough! enough detail and inuendos. Just to clarify I meant face lips. Not...well... you know.
That's all for now.
Joan Of Arc.