Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Caerdydd (Cardiff) at the Fathers house.

I'm here in Cardiff and after only an hour of arriving my Dad has insinuated that I am fat, told me my CV was shit and laughed at my music. Nice to see nothing's changed since I last saw the man.
But as I've mentioned before, I'm not exactly a Daddy's girl.

I'm excited to be here however, because lots of my friends from home went to uni here and I now get to see them.
I'm looking forward to seeing an old friend too, Joey. He sort of adopted me when my Dad first moved to the area and has always been genuine and kind. He's one of the people who still sees me as one of the lads and he always looks after me. I haven't seen him for so long and I'm really looking forward a bit of banter.

Things to do whilst I'm in Cardiff:

1) visit Hobo's. the best vintage shop I've ever been in.
2) See Snakey and co.
4) Post CV's for work experience.
5) Visit the grandparents.
6) Continue to run, despite hating it without Butterfly.
7) DONT FAIL MY LIFE (revise)

I think this is all achievable if I put my mind to it. Revision really is a chore when you aren't in a working atmosphere, especially with my little brother, Joe running about acting as a welcome distraction from boring grown up things.

Camping is all sorted for the 22nd and I'm really up for it. I've always loved camping and the whole roughing it experience. Swim in the lake and bbq food is exactly what I want.
The only thing I'm a little apprehensive about is the company. Hannah and Owen I'll be fine with, but the rest of the 'crew' aren't my usual peers. I'm sure they are really lovely people, it's just making a bad impression in the middle of the forest with no signal may end in me floating face down in the river. Fingers crossed for me yeh?

I am desperately trying to get into shape for the summer but my weight is fluctuating in an irritating way as usual. Some days I'm 8.2others I'm 8.10, not something I appreciate. I mean how can one put on 8lbs in a matter of days?
I really hate feeling all squidgy and whalelike,I hate that some people have amazing metabolisms and treat their body like its a bin. I hate that alcohol is the worst for putting on weight. I hate that ice cream tastes so good. I hate that boys are in the main completely unnacfected by the troubles of weightloss.

Rant over.

This is a shit post but I don't care, about 3 people read my blog anyway so I'll only be wasting 3 people's time.

I'm going to dye my hair, it's been seven shades of shit for a while now as I've been trying to get the different dyes out through various methods but it has got to the point where I actually look like a witch. Game over Head and Shoulders, you're shit.
I will be dying it a sufficiently boring version of brown to try and even it all out ready for summer.

Owen keeps talking about travelling, which I am absolutely gagging to do and it's making me almost want to fail so I have an excuse to go. Talking about places like the Congo,the Amazon and Bali is really making me restless.

Enough for now Hwyl Fawr!

JoJo xx

I wrote this post listening to : Fat Freddy's Drop and Natty.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Plans plans plans.

It is 4.05 am and I am wide awake. This is bad news for my body clock, good news for my blog. I'm happy as Larry these days, and I have plans. Lots of 'em.
Next term I'm going to get outside more often, I adore nature so why am I not surrounding myself in it? I love everything about being outside, the smell, the feel of the fresh air on my skin, the sun, the rain, the wind. I like it all.

In the words of Florence: Happiness hit her like a train on a track. Although, that similie has strange connotations, as if happiness is bad, to compare happiness with getting hit by a train is not something I've ever considered, which is probably why I'm not as rich as her.

I'm revising a very small amount of public affairs and law, but that is better than nothing and will bring me one step closer to passing my first exam this year.
Uni has been a lot more intense than I had imagined. But I know that when I surface from it all the sun will be shining.

Speaking of sun, I would really like some of that please. We've had a really lovely day today and I spent it on the beach doing gymnastics, running, and just admiring the sea. It really is incredible.
I'm really looking forward to going back to Bournemouth now, it seems every time I come home it's a little less fun, although I can't deny I miss the scenery here more than anything. Pembrokeshire is really inexplainably beautiful. I wish I could take it with me to whatever city I will have to live in in order to get my dream job.
I want to be a radio presenter if I haven't already mentioned it. I had work experience at a local radio station over a year ago now and the second I sat behind that desk I knew that was what I wanted to do. I feel right there. And I plan on knocking the fantastic Fearne Cotton off her spot at Radio One in the next seven years. So watch out FC , JA has plans! ( I do, of course want to be Miss Cottons best friend, but knowing I have no where near enough cool points for that, I've decided to save myself the heartache and write that friendship off straight away)

Tomorrow me and my 'Sister' are going shopping in charity shops for sheets and silver bodypaint. It's a friends party in the evening and we plan on being anything but sexy.

'Sister' has also decided to shave one side of her beautiful brown hair off in a moment of completely characteristic madness. I love my friends. I love that Butterfly is as mad as a hatter in the most entertaining and endearing way, I love that no amount of asshole under educated racism can stop Wife from being the most colourful and hilarious person I know, I love how even though Biki is on the other side of the world doing the most amazing things, she still wants to know what I'm up to. And I love that Lucie still knows how to make me laugh hysterically after almost a year of not seeing her.

Okay, 'The Whora Chronicles' need a mention here. The Whora Chronicals are a set of short stories written by the one and only Vallance about a certain young lady (who is actually alright) who was sleeping with my boyfriend for quite sometime. In these rather graphic short stories Whora has dead animals sewn onto her face and dies several times(among other, unmentionable things). And I am not a bitter person, but they healed my broken heart better than anything else I've ever known. Pure comedy and exactly what I needed to get out that whatever it was I was feeling back then.

One day, they will be best sellers. I just know it.

I haven't taken interest in anyone for quite a long time, that seems to have changed as of late. Which I'm more than happy about. I will say no more to avoid being creepy and over keen.

There's not much left to say now apart from my boobs wont stop growing and I like them how they are right now, which is a pain, and also, if anyone has any quick solutions to a perfect booty, let me know.

JoJo xx

I wrote this post listening to: Regina Spektor

Friday, 2 April 2010

Cliches about wales- true and false.

1) We're all farmers : Nearly true

2) It always rains: Too True

3)We're inbred: Partly False

4) There's more sheep than people: True

5) We dont understand slang : True

6) We're friendly: True (apart from that bitch in The Lifeboat who looks like she just sat on a combine harvester)


8) There's a large proportion of disabled people : True

9) Everyone is pregnant : Basically True

10) We're aweseome at camping : True

11) Welsh girls are the best girls in the entire world ever: True ( again apart from that bitch in The Lifeboat who also sometimes looks like she's a cross breed between a rhino, the Grinch and a burns victim)

12) We're stupid : False

13) Our language is completely useless and basically copies English but adds "iau" on the end of every word : True.

I hope I've cleared up any suspicions in this post. I can obviously not guarantee any of these things apart from no.11...of course.
It's good to be home!

JoJo xx

I wrote this post listening to : Corrine Bailey Rae

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Easter Time

Tomorrow Mother Bear is picking me up from my penthouse apartment in Bournemouth....well, we're top floor in a building that used to be a car park, pretty much there.

Easter is upon us, and I feel like things are going pretty good at the mo'. Last couple of weeks have really been sweet for me. Met some new people, conjured up some new dance moves and had something catch my eye.

Now when I head back to Wales I think I'll be a lot more productive than I was last time. I'm going to revise for all my exams and I'm gunna actually pass them this time. I'm taking hold of my life. I've let myself drift for too long. Time to make a new path.

I feel like I'm at home here now, and the sun is starting to shine both literally and metaphorically. I'm pretty happy.

Last night we went out as a course (BAMMJ's you knows it) to a local club and I had a really, really lovely night thanks to a new friend. Although mixing tequila, wine, vodka, vk and malibu probably wasnt the greatest idea I've ever had. (note: tequila and fanta actually tastes good!)

I woke up today with my homegirl, Esmatron sleeping soundly. I'm so blessed to have her in my life.
I got up (around 7/8am) and finished off my assignment which was due for 12 o clock. Whacked that out with very little care or attention, more worrying about my stomach falling out of my ass due to hangoverial reasons ( I am aware that isn't a word TIM HEAP ) .

Tonight I'm going for chinese with Esmatron and Valentine I think, should be quite the hangover cure. Laaarvely.

It's going to be weird leaving this poo hole for good. I kinda feel like I'll always have a bit of Hurn house with me. These memories are one's I will never forget. The way living with 16 people changes you as a person is unreal. And despite the differences or distance I love every single bellend on this floor. You made my year, you crafted my memories and my god have you made me laugh. You are part of my system now and living without you will be hard to adjust to.

I'm sleeping better. It's nice, I feel less blurry, less angry and I'm pretty sure I look less like I just escaped from Joseph Fritzl.

Over easter I'm gunna sort out my body. It's coming up to summertime now and I want to feel less like I just ate three children and an ironing board in my bikini. I'm not fat, but I've seen myself at my best and I want that back please baby Jesus.

Enough for now I think. The jist of this post is I'm a bit squidgy round the edges but I'm happy.
Happy Holidays

JoJo xx

I wrote this post listening to: Dashboard Confessional