Friday, 21 May 2010

Beach, Boobs & Burnt. (amongst other ramblings)

Today was the most beautiful day in Bournemouth. Some coursemates and I headed down to the beach and spent the day playing volley ball, going in the sea and sunbathing.

I did, of course, lose track of the time. And I did, of course forget sun lotion, AND I did OF COURSE burn like an absolute bitch. Seriously, I don't normally really burn but HOLY SHIT I am so red. I honestly thought we were there for like 3 was more like 7.

I look absolutely ridiculous naked. Like beyond Brits Abroad ridiculous. My boobs look anaemic compared to my severely burnt and recently flabby stomach (revision food). My legs are red, so so red, I should use a more theasaurus deserving word but RED is all that I can muster. Where my shorts were there is yet more polar bear type pigments. I am seriously worried about keeping my boyfriend over the next few days.

Oh! and my face...I don't really know how this has happened but I seem to have a moustache shaped burn. It's really very unfortunate. I look like I have purposely tried to burn in particular places to immitate Hitler. I'm not really happy that he gets a capital letter. It's like 'God'. It unnerves me a little.

So I look like I've done one of the following:

1) Held my breath for longer than Radiohead in 'No Surprises'

2) Leant over that stupid volcano at the unlucky moment it erupted.

3) Just been caught masterbating to HelloGoodbye. (that was like, one time)

4) Realised that wasn't a fart

From the above you can probably put together an image of how awful I look right now.

However, pre sunburn I had the most lovely day. It was pretty weird too. Me and Suze got approached by some man from Zoo magazine wanting to take pictures of us on the beach in bikinis. Blank denial from me, a more understandable yes from Suze (She has legs up to my tonsils and abs to make Miss Anniston jealous).

Later, a BBC news crew come along and ask if they can film us playing volley ball on the beach, we oblige, I get hit in the face, with a ball, on camera. Standard.

I am currently slathered in aloe vera, Vinegar (a Californian secret to minimising the appearance of sunburn, Cheers Suze!), and moisturiser. Fingers crossed I look less like a kebab tomorrow.

In other news I've been thinking about relationships, in particular girls. No, not like that. I mean girls in relationships. I've been subconciously observing people. Girls don't commit anymore, girls dont say I love you anymore, girls don't let feelings get in the way of a relationship.

A friend of mine has been in a relationship since near the beginning of Uni and after talking to her I've realised she epitimises what I've been trying to put my finger on.
She says her boyfriend is mad at her because she wont tell him she loves him back. I asked her if she loved him and she said no. I asked her if she will and she said no. So why is she with him then?
Because she likes him, she really, really likes him, she doesn't want to lose him but she just isn't doing 'love' right now. It's not something she's ready for again. And here's that old cliche. She's been hurt before, like most of us, nothing extraordinary. So she's not putting herself back there again. It takes too much out of you. It sucks out too much faith, too much trust.

But breaking someone else's heart is just as messy, just as painful and just as unforgiving. It's so, so, so hard, to look in the eye, someone you care about and have basically watched fall in love with you and tell them it's all over.
Especially when they're a friend aswell. It takes having your heart broken to know how much it is to break someone elses.

JoJo xx

I wrote this post listening to: The Bronze Medal ( )