Wowza. Jee Whizz, DAYUM. 1,000 hits!
I'm so happy. Today I reached one thousand hits on this blog and I am so chuffed :)
It seems so strange looking back on my first blogs, embarassingly all I wrote about was getting laid and my hair colour and how much I wanted to be successful...actually... put it like that and nothings changed.
Ah well, who doesn't want to get laid and who doesn't take a personal interest in their hair? It's basic human self obsession. And don't deny it. You think not everyone spends several minutes at a time inspecting themselves in the mirror? even the least vain of all your friends will have their moments.
I think that's wicked. Self exploration. That sounds explicit...well yeh I guess it appplies to that too.
It's all self indulgence and it's times like this that I'm really proud of me and who I am. I get that 1000 hits to many people is really, really miniscule. But for me that's awesome! What's the most awesome...est thing is that I've had praise for just writing the shit that falls out my brain and into my fingers tap tapping away on the old laptop.
So yes in the least condescending self righteous way possible, thanks!
Righty onto the less cringe-worthy stuff.
I've been at work experience for nearly 2 weeks now at Radio Cardiff. It's quite strange actually as it reunited me with a very old friend. Luc Wise this is an official shout out on a blog you don't know exists.
I've had a really cool, hands on time here at the station. Radio Cardiff is a mainly black music influenced station. It's genres include a lot of reggae, soul, R&B and hip hop, amongst others.
Everyone here has been so cool and chilled and helpful but at the same time honest and demanding and enthusiastic. Day one I produced three shows on my todd, broadcasting to 23,000 listeners and from there its just blossomed. I've been on shows, interviewed DJ's made ads and news and interviewed Evel Knievels son.
Being at Radio Cardiff has really enthused me to work hard and strive to be the best I can be and to really make myself a future in the industry.
Being surrounded by music and laughter and excitement makes my day so much more interesting and intense . I cannot express how much happier it makes me feel getting up at 5 am to do the breakfast show, knowing the second I open the studio door I'll meet some reggae to really ease me into the day.
In other news:
I'm so excited to see my Mummy! She's been off jetsetting since the start of September and I am so ready for a cuddle and a bottle of wine. She's such a winner, my mum. She's clever, kind, generous and beautiful inside and out. I'm so proud of all that she has achieved and am so delighted that she has found her deserved happiness.
Christmas is fast approaching and I have 12 pounds to my name...after consideration re:Chrsitmas presents I decided to do the obvious thing and whore myself out to the public of Cardiff. Strangely as a 5 foot 2, spotty, pale, thin haired, weasel featured female I did not receive much business. However on walking through the city centre on Thursday night a homeless man told me I had a strange face. So that is a plus...?
Anyway this is long and Russel told me my last blog was too long so I'm sorry Russel and I'm sorry the last blog also 'Sounded like a scrubs voiceover' but its just the way the biscuit dissintergrates!
Lotsa love Ya'll... (getting so wigger-ish at this station)
That's all for now,
Jojo xxx
I wrote this post listening to: Corrine Bailey Rae
well done on a 1000 hits jojo xx