Today was my birthday, my 20th birthday to be precise. I know everyone always says you still feel the same but today I actually do feel older and more of a lady.
This is shocking news to anyone who knows me. Ladette would probably spring to mind at the mention of my name...
...Although, I hope not the skanky ones from that show who get their tits out at every opportunity and mouth off old ladies.Mind you, saying that, I was ordered by my housemates today to get my nips out for inspection in the living room. Thankfully my boobs were deemed satifactory by the freaks that I reside with.
This morning started at 7.30am in my life...
I woke up and opened my cards and parcels that were generously posted from all corners of the world; Austrailia, New Zealand, Wales, England, Spain.
I should mention that I woke in the presence of a particularly lovely man named Boyf. I greedily opened his presents at midnight, neither of us being able to justify waiting until real morning.
I got the most amazing gifts from Boyf: an Eliza Doolittle CD (which is, by the way truly gorgeous) and I also got the gift of Glamping. Glamping is glamorous camping. We are booked into a tent (wait for it) which has the same standards as a 5 star hotel with undefloor heating, a huuuge bed, a free standing bath and living room and a hot tub outside! Right up my street.
What a fantastic boy I have found myself.
Anyway, this morning Boyf and I dodged uni ("do we HAVE to go to school Owen?") and drove my little hunk-a-junk van to Sandbanks and went over on the ferry to a pretty little beach called Shell Bay. It was so peaceful and fresh there and I love the sea. Standing by the water makes me feel so happy.
I did have a bit of trouble with my hair flailing about in the wind, managing to get into every crevice on my face. My nostrils had a good clean lets put it that way.
Anyway we had a little wander and an explore and I hung upside down from a tree and cried for attention (this is acceptable because it is the anniversary of my birth). We also found this flooded forest and the tress were all poking out of a mass of deliciously dark water. It was so mesmerising.
We realised that what we paid for the ferry was in fact a one way ticket and that we were stuck with no cash on the other side. We had to trek around the fairly ferrel land, trying to track down a cash point. We eventually found salvation in a cute little post office. A lady had a nice red beret in there, I feel I may have admired it to a creepy extent.
When we eventually got back on the ferry and into civilisation we headed straight to Wagamama's to meet my housemates for lunch. I've never had a Wagamama's before but DANG that shit is good. Nom nom nom lovely food and nice company.
Came back home and had birthday sex a few times and fell asleep on chocolate so it looked like poo on my sheets. Did the risky taste test to make sure I hadn't reached incontinence in my old age . ( Please note: It's confising when something looks like poo but tastes delicious. It makes you question a lot of things in life)
Went to all-you-can-eat Chinese this evening with my bestest pals who bought me some gorgeous underwear (which I will not try on for at least 2 days after that monstrous scoffing session. Unless I want to puke).
Now I'm back in my house playing my uke and singing the only part of my newly composed song I have written: a four line chorus with four repetitive chords. Pro.
Drinking the rest of my champagne and worrying about having to get upstars to wash and poo with such a weighty body....
Urgh 9am start tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has sent me a birthday message, given me a hug or just thought nice things for me today. You've made my day such a fantastic one and I really am going to sleep grinning so much my eyes hurt. Love you all so much
That's all for now...
I wrote this post listening to: Eliza Doolittle :) ( of course)
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