Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Lost in translation: Slang - Welsh V English

When I came to university in England I realised how different and confusing slang could become. I feel I've almost grasped all of it now but I still get a dodgy look every now and again.

I've decided to compile a list of translations to show you lot how bloody confusing your life can become when you have lived in Wales most of your life.

I will include words and phrases which I thought were English but when I say them people look at me like I'm a witch.

Welsh -English

Scram- Scratch with malicious intent

Pile on- Bundle (?!)

Meathead -Hench

Butt -Pal/Mate/Chum

Nos Da - Night Night

Hwyl (H-oil) -Bye

Pam ? -Why?

Now in a minute -Soon

Yachi Da! -Cheers/bottoms-up/chink chink.

Ych-y-fi -Gross

Where to?- Where (the to has no use)

Bangen -Awesome

Steaming Weasels- Drunk skanks

I'm sure there's more and I will add them in due time.

That's all for now

Jojo xxx


  1. I think it is clear by reading this that you Welsh are the ones talking shit!

  2. You are a little english WEASEl runt Smale. Don't be jeal of my cultured nature!
