Ahhh its 2012, We are all turning 21 and we have dissertations and jobs and grown up things to be dealing with.
I have some resolutions that I talked about in my last post. I think I'm going strong so far. I wore a skirt AND make up the other day (resolution 1: be more ladylike) . I've been living in the library collecting research and references for my dissertation which is good (resolution 2: nail dissertation)...although my time hasn't been fully utilised academically I've definitely spotted some sexy 4th years who are working on a project together. They are just lovely. Just so lovely. In fact, I think my time in the library has been extremely productive. I have both been working, taking in good aesthetics (which stimulates the brain) and being social (with my eyes...words are rare). Hell I'm good.
Also, who said chivalry is dead? Because yesterday a boy smiled at me AND held the door for me. Isn't that nice.
Oooh I had a fortune cookie that said : "You will meet your ideal partner this year"...WAHEYYY. Although I did get it on the 28th of December...which would give me less than a week. And it's now in the past and the year is over...
I'm actually still super happy being single. I'm having a ball. I don't even ever feel lonely. I wouldn't mind a rendezvous though. As in maybe a drink or a cuppa tea. More for my ego than for anything else.
I had a lovely time at home at Christmas. Saw some good old pals. Said farewell to Biki. She's in Asia for 5 months AGAIN. And she just messaged me saying she's covered in bed bug bites and mosquito bites. HA!
But it is warm and she is in a hammock and she is surrounded by sexy, tanned, topless men. I enjoy those types of men. Why are there none here?
I've discovered my type. My type is Pembrokeshire boys. In jeans, skate/surf tee's and wild hair. Not pretentious posh types who roam with a board the size of a table trying to look nonchalant.
This discovery is unfortunate though, for several reasons.
1) I am not in Pembrokeshire.
2) My very lovely ex is in Pembrokeshire.
3) He is friends with all the other lovely boys.
Not that I would necessarily go there. I think I need to find somewhere else LIKE Pembrokeshire. Preferably with jobs. And cheap houses...and BOYS.
My Dissertation is driving me crazy. Why can't I find any decent journals on my topic? I was all excited and chuffed about having an original topic but now it really pissing me off. Why didn't I just do it on something cliché like sexism or eating disorders?
Also I've got a project I forgot about thats worth nearly as much as my dissertation.
Also I have an essay due
Also I have work in the night time
On the bright side the sun is out. My feet are defrosting and I have veggie sausages in the oven.
Jesus, I'm so scatty today. Must stop this and become a pencil skirt wearing intellect with nice hair.
That's all for now. Hope you all had a lovely festive period!
Jojo xxx
This post was written listening to: Walk Off The Earth: Corner of Queen... I'll try and link it in here.
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