I've always felt very close to the water, but this Summer it has become a lot clearer. I am magnetised to it. I get up in the morning, sometimes go for a sea-swim before work, go to work (on a boat) come back to land, go for a swim to clean off, go home, have dinner, then beg my pal to take me surfing. And I just don't get bored of it. I don't seem to feel the cold of the water either. Maybe spending all this time around mackerel (I work on a mackerel fishing boat) is slowly turning me into a creature of the sea.

I think my friends are getting bored of my insatiable appetite to be flailing around in salt water filled with critters, dirt and, lets face it, my own urine (trapped inside a wetsuit that has a gaping hole in the ass, hot).
Maybe its because it's so primal.You can't exist inside a flower, or underground. But in the sea you can exist inside a natural force.
I'm making it sound so romantic but the reality is that within about twelve seconds I am having a continuous battle with snot. It seems to just be everywhere. On my nose-ring, my cheeks, my eyebrows. Oh, god forbid anyone should see me after I leave the water. I quite often find myself crusting off dried snot from my eyebrows in the car journey home.

Also all this water activity is doing no good for the state of my already hideously reptilian-looking feet. They are now not only weird and spindly but also carry about an inch of dry skin and manage to come out of the shower dirty. How is that possible?
I suppose most people will be complaining about all the rain and wind we've been having this Summer. And I'll admit, a bit of sunshine wouldn't go amiss. But hey, when you're in the water you are already wet. You have already ruined your hair. You are already showing obvious symptoms of a cold. So when you start sneezing you will be accustomed to mucus, in fact, it will seem like a holiday as it will be on only your nose area and probably not in your ears.

I have had a really lovely Summer. A really lovely one. I love my job, I am always in the sea. I work seven days a week so don't spend a lot. I go for drinks in pubs, on sand, in houses and on boats. I am not fat. And to top all that off I've met some lovely new people. Hell life's good.
Although I would like to be out of my overdraft, and to have a working vehicle (the radiators gone on the van). I'd also like to have the ability to pick new friends who are staying on this continent. But you can't have it all.
But it's not just me being jolly, oh no, even the holiday makers seem to see the positives to this dreary August. Picnics on the beach in anoraks. Soggy fish and chips on the harbour. Fishing in howling wind and rain. Sitting in the caravan watching the Olympics surrounded by damp.
So here's to probably the worst Summer on record but to the undeniable determination of us Brits to make the bloody most of it.
That's all for now,
Jojo xxx
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