It's come that time in my life when everyone around me leaves, not in a horrible, abandoning, depressing way, more a kind of growing up sort of way.
Most of us girls are in uni now, and we are no longer the girls that get invited to all the parties or the girls whose parties everyone wants to be invited to.
Now we are just girls.
We are all off, outside our small town bubble, trying to make something of ourselves without all of our previous components.
We were pretty tight knit before we left and now we hardly speak.
One of my best friends Biki is going travelling soon. She has been such a fantastic friend, there through the tough times and the fun times.
She's been there when I cared what boys think, when I didn't care, when I pretended I didn't care and when I didn't know how to care.
She has the most amazing smile in the world, and the most contagious giggle.
She is a true gem and I will really really REALLY miss her, which counts for a hell of a lot these days.
Sometimes I'm not sure who my real freinds are, I have uni friends and flatmates, friends from home and abroad, but I sometimes wonder which ones would still stand strong when I was at my worst.
'Cause that's how freindship works isn't it? You can't just be there for the fair weather, you have to be there in the thunder and lightning, carrying a spare umbrella to protect each other from the rain.
Friends who were as close to me as a sister no longer seem to care where I am or what I'm doing, and that is the saddest part of all about growing up.
They aren't mean or rude, I'm just not in there mind anymore, it's no-one's fault but that doesn't stop it hurting.
I suppose this part of my life is the part I have to do on my own, just like everyone else, and then it will all make sense, one would hope.
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