I am poor, no doubt about it. But as a student its no longer skanky right?
Here are a few things, good and bad that I've noticed about being poor.
1) You dont feel obliged to buy drinks, because you know you'd have to sell your shoes to do so, and no one expects that of you.
2) Taxi drivers feel sorry for you when you start fishing coppers out of your sock-come-purse and let you off with a lower fare.
3) People notice that you've been wearing those socks for a good three days because you can't afford washing.
4) Your nan has better clothes than you. (not entirely unusual)
5) Asda price vodka freezes...
6) When someone charges you more than 2 pound for a drink you raise your eyebrows and sigh.
7) Getting your drink spiked doesnt seem so bad after all.
8) Finding 5pence is the best thing that happened to you all day.
9) Anything more than 4pence for noodles is 'extortionate'
10) You broaden your social web - Hobo's aren't all bad.
11) You limit your bog roll use : 1 piece for a wizzle, 2 pieces for a poop, unless it is a hangover poo, in which case you can use up to five, but drip dry next time to make up for it.
12) You get thin, because you cant actually afford anything other than space raiders and peas.
give us another blog jo! :)